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Company Telephone Number
01480 433714
Huntingdon Business Centre, Blackstone Road
PE29 6EF
Type of Organisation - Professional Services
Other Type of Organisation
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Wastewater – Networks, Flooding – Forecasting & Warning, Flooding – Response, Flooding – Risk Management
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
North America, USA, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Kenya, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, UAE, South Asia, India, China, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
Meniscus has been active in the Water Industry for 20 years, delivering insights and performance metrics from a broad range of operational data. With our Meniscus Analytics Platform (MAP), we combine this operational data with real-time and forecast weather data to predict the operation of assets and flood risk.
Describe your business.
"Using our Meniscus Analytics Platform (MAP) we have a number of real-time and predictive models that we apply to apply to water and wastewater networks, Examples of the work we do in the UK and Australia includes:
MAP Rain integrates weather with operational data to deliver real-time and predictive insights. Our high-performance rainfall analytics solution compares actual and predicted performance for thousands of assets. Predicts operaiton of overflows, pumping station flooding and more.
MAP Sewer is built on MAP Rain and applies simplified hydraulic models to predict flows in the sewerage network to reduce flooding as part of a Smart Sewer system. These models run in real-time and can predict the network conditions for the next 30 hours"
MAP Rain integrates weather with operational data to deliver real-time and predictive insights. Our high-performance rainfall analytics solution compares actual and predicted performance for thousands of assets. Predicts operaiton of overflows, pumping station flooding and more.
MAP Sewer is built on MAP Rain and applies simplified hydraulic models to predict flows in the sewerage network to reduce flooding as part of a Smart Sewer system. These models run in real-time and can predict the network conditions for the next 30 hours"
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Contact Telephone Number
01480 433714