Premier Tech Water & Environment

Premier Tech Water & Environment

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Organisation Registration
Company Telephone Number
2 Whitehouse Way, Peterlee
County Durham
Type of Organisation - Professional Services
Type of Organisation - Equipment Provider
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Wastewater – Treatment
Regions the organisation has experience working in
Brazil, Ghana, Middle East, Oman, UAE, Australia, New Zealand
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
Latin America, Colombia, Brazil, Africa, South Africa, Egypt, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, UAE, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
We can offer treatment for any waste water application
Core products are packaged systems that are pre built to a high specification that can be installed quickly on site. Mostly we manufacture systems for below ground installation but can offer above ground systems also.
We build products with low maintenance in mind
Describe your business.
PTWE specialise in the design and manufacturing of innovative and durable solutions in the following areas:-
Waste water - Package sewage treatment systems, cesspools, septic tanks, (Domestic & Commercial)
Storm water - Separators, & attenuation storage systems
Storage tanks - Below & above ground water & chemical storage tanks.
Package pump stations - Waste & storm water (Domestic & Commercial)
Rainwater harvesting (Domestic & Commercial)
We have most technologies available allowing us to select the best solution to fit your needs.
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