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Company Telephone Number
01706 222822
Riverside Business Park, Unit 7, Holme Lane
Type of Organisation - Professional Services
Engineering, Project Management
Type of Organisation - Contractor
Type of Organisation - Equipment Provider
Civil, Mechanical
Other Type of Organisation
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Water supply – Networks, Industrial Wastewater, General
Regions the organisation has experience working in
North America, USA, Latin America, Brazil, Argentina, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, South Asia, China, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
North America, USA, Latin America, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina, Africa, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Kazakstan, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, UAE, South Asia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
Schur are the global leader for Trenchless Pipe Coating equipment offering unrivalled expertise and access to the best pipe coatings in the world. Having sold 137 pipe coating rigs into 24 countries giving us the knowledge and skill to help with pipeline rehabilitation projects for potable & waster water.
Describe your business.
We work closely with out customers and partners around the world to ensure pipeline rehabilitation projects are carried out successfully and to budget.
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Contact Telephone Number
07764 788861