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Company Telephone Number
01225 864864
Treenwood Industrial Estate
Bradford on Avon
BA15 2AU
Type of Organisation - Professional Services
Type of Organisation - Contractor
Civil, Mechanical, Pipelines
Type of Organisation - Equipment Provider
Civil, Mechanical
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Water supply – Networks, Wastewater – Networks, General
Regions the organisation has experience working in
North America, USA, Argentina, Africa, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Uganda, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, South Asia, India, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
USA, South Africa, Uganda, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
Steve Vick International develop innovative products and techniques for the trenchless repair, renovation and decommissioning of pipes in the gas,
water and nuclear industries. SVI also offer pipe coil trailers, pipe handlers and pipe cutters for sale or hire.
water and nuclear industries. SVI also offer pipe coil trailers, pipe handlers and pipe cutters for sale or hire.
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Contact Telephone Number
01225 864864