Perlemax Ltd (Aqua Bulla)

Perlemax Ltd (Aqua Bulla)

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Organisation Registration
Company Telephone Number
Kroto Innovation Centre, 318 Broad Lane
S3 7HQ
Type of Organisation - Professional Services
Engineering, Environmental
Other Type of Organisation
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Wastewater – Treatment, Industrial Wastewater
Regions the organisation has experience working in
North America, USA, Brazil, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Middle East, UAE, India, China, Malaysia, Australasia, Australia
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
North America, USA, Latin America, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina, Africa, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Kazakstan, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, UAE, South Asia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
Wastewater treatment itself accounts for 1-3% of the total energy used by the country. Perlemax & Aqua Bulla, have invented a novel retrofittable valve - known as DZFO which can , either by retrofit or for new build, reduce the power consumption of this plant by 20-40% with payback within5y.
Describe your business.
International experience of Retrofit or New build installations capable of immediate reduction in power for existing wastewater treatment facilities in aeration.
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  • Perlemax Ltd (Aqua Bulla)