UKWP x British Water Event

A joint UK Water Partnership and British Water event was held on Monday, 29 November 2021 at HR Wallingford.  The event brought together water sector leaders from industry, academia and government, from across the UK and overseas to reflect on COP26 and question ‘How does business support society to better understand the transformation of services […]

Water and Circular Economy

At whatever point in the natural water cycle an organisation is placed, from supply to downstream use, to treatment or distribution, doing a better job of preserving usable water represents valuable efficiency gains and a healthier bottom line. With climate change will inevitably come issues associated with too much (increased risk of flooding) or too […]

Revealing the Innovation in Water Challenge successful entries…

Ofwat is pleased to announce the successful entries for the inaugural Innovation in Water Challenge (IWC)! An independent judging panel recommended 11 collaborative initiatives that will help transform water and wastewater services in England and Wales. The projects include innovations for leak detection, customer vulnerability, zero carbon, nature-based solutions to the climate crisis, asset resilience […]

New directory to promote UK’s water resilience capabilities worldwide

The UK Water Partnership (UKWP) is producing a new directory (link) to support the Department for International Trade (DIT) promote British expertise. The first of its kind, the ‘UK Water Capabilities Directory’ will be used to link British companies to international business leads, helping the UK’s water sector to go from strength-to-strength. From today, organisations […]

Water Sector Membership Organisations to Work Closer Together

Eight water sector membership organisations have agreed to work more closely together and collaborate around specific water-related challenges facing the UK. The agreement followed a survey sent to membership organisations active in the UK water sector which asked each organisation if there was any overlap or gaps between organisations, and whether the way membership organisations […]

New White Paper closes the loop on the circular water economy

The UK Water Partnership recently hosted a double-bill of circular economy events. The two sessions were based around a new Water and Circular Economy White Paper, which was developed in conjunction with CE100, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Antea Group. It explores the relationship between the circular economy and sustainable water management (SWM), establishing a […]

Is the UK water industry prepared to tackle the challenges of the future?

Mott MacDonald’s Ghalia Albarazi, Cristina Negut and Andrew Shimmin explain how the Linking Innovation to Societal Needs project is helping to develop route maps to address some of the industry’s ‘Big Questions’ In 2017, the UK Partnership commissioned Mott MacDonald to undertake the Linking Innovation to Societal Needs (LITSoN) project. UKWP’s vision is ‘safeguarding our […]

Wet Networks – Leakanomics

On Wednesday 17 July, Arup’s Fitzroy Street offices in London played host to the latest “Wet Networks” evening innovation and networking event supported by the Future Water Association, British Water, Water Industry Forum and the UK Water Partnership. Each of the Wet Networks events carries a theme – and the hot topic for the latest gathering was ‘Leakanomics’ – discussing […]