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Company Telephone Number
Alexandra Court, Carrs Road
Type of Organisation - Equipment Provider
Process, Instrumentation, Control, Automation
Areas of expertise - Professional Services
Water Resources, General
Regions the organisation has experience working in
North America, USA, Latin America, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Africa, South Africa, Egypt, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Kazakstan, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, South Asia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Regions the organisation is interested in working in
North America, USA, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina, South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Eastern Europe & Central Asia, Kazakstan, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Oman, UAE, South Asia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Asia Pacific, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Australasia, Australia, New Zealand
Elevator Pitch (50 Word or Less)
Multisensor Systems is a developer and supplier of Water and Air Analyzers specializing in oil in water, hydrocarbon analyzers, oil in water detectors, THM Analyzers and Ammonia Analyzers based in the United Kingdom.
Describe your business.
Protect Water Treatment facilities and Waste Water Treatment Works
Provide pollution control to wells, Rivers and other water courses
Gather process control data to reduce energy and chemical usage
Monitor the quality of Drinking Water in the Distribution Network
Measure emissions from commercial, industrial, land fill and agricultural sites
Provide pollution control to wells, Rivers and other water courses
Gather process control data to reduce energy and chemical usage
Monitor the quality of Drinking Water in the Distribution Network
Measure emissions from commercial, industrial, land fill and agricultural sites
Contact First Name
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mad-001-monitoring-river-water-intake-petroleum-contaminants.pdf ()
mad-002-monitoring-reservoir-feed-hydrocarbon-contamination.pdf ()
mad-003-protecting-ro-membrane-food-manufacturer.pdf ()
mad-004-monitoring-borehole-detect-fuel-contamination.pdf ()
mad-005-voc-dection-in-industrial-estate.pdf ()
mad-006-high-manganese-ferous-content-water.pdf ()
mad-007-engines-manufacturer-spill-detection.pdf ()
mad-008-voc-monitoring-wastewater.pdf ()
mad-009-monitoring-panama-canal-water-intake.pdf ()
mad-010-petrochemical-company-taiwan-voc.pdf ()
mad-011-ammonia-monitor-wastewater-london.pdf ()
mad-012-voc-monitor-protects-wtp.pdf ()
mad-013-thm-monitor-spain.pdf ()
mad-014-monitoring-voc-contamination-exhaust-gas.pdf ()
mad-015-voc-slovenia-btex-kerosene-spill.pdf ()
mad-016-desalination-plant-water-intake-protection.pdf ()